Gaëtan Chenevier
Senior Researcher,
, head of the team
Algebra and Geometry
École Normale Supérieure,
45, rue d'Ulm,
75230 Paris Cedex, France
Email : gaetan.c h e n e v i e
Office : T11 ("under the roof")
Phone : (+33) 01 44 32 31 24
Research :
Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Galois Representations, Quadratic Forms.
Conferences and Talks
Grant : ANR-19-CE40-0015-02 (COLOSS).
Lecture Notes :
Théorème de la progression arithmétique et angles des premiers de Gauss
, two lectures for the
harmonic analysis week
, 20p. (3h, French, 09/2022).
Algèbre I
, homepage of an L3 course at École Normale Supérieure, 422 p. (39h, French, 2021-2024).
Théorie algébrique des nombres,
master 1 course at École Polytechnique, 209 p. (36h, French, 2010-2019).
Introduction aux formes automorphes et aux conjectures de Langlands
, master 2 course in Orsay, 138 p. (21h, French, 02-04/2017)
Introduction aux formes modulaires,
mini-course at ENS Paris, 16 p. (4h, French, 03/2015). -
Modular forms of classical groups and even unimodular lattices
, Harvard special lecture series, 18 p. (4h30, 01/2015) -
Formes automorphes et groupe de Galois absolu de Q
(with Laurent Clozel), mini-course
journées Louis Antoine
, 51 p. (6h, French, 10/2010)
The infinite fern and families of quaternionic modular forms
, IHP semester master 2 course (16h, 01-03/2010)
Sur la fonction zeta des courbes modulaires
, study group at École Polytechnique, in French (2008-2009).
Variétés de Hecke des groupes unitaires et représentations galoisiennes
, cours Peccot du Collège de France, in French (8h, 03-04/2008).
Ph. D. Students:
Y. Shan
G. Lachaussée
T. Mégarbané
O. Taïbi
G. Dospinescu
(2010-2012, supervised with P. Colmez).
of other students I supervised since 2008 (L3/M1/M2 level).
Editorial Boards :
- (2016-) Editor for
- (2016-2021) Editor for the
Annales Sci. de l'E.N.S.
Since September 2021 I am not anymore an editor for ASENS.
Miscellaneous :
Modular Forms, L-functions and Eigenvarieties
, in memoriam of Joël Bellaïche (ENS Paris, June 18-21 2024).
Organized with John Bergdall, Pierre Charollois, Samit Dasgupta, Mladen Dimitrov and Anna Medvedovsky
Moduli Spaces and Modular Forms
(Schiermonnikoog, April 14-19 2024)
Organized with Gavril Farkas and Gerard van der Geer.
Oberwolfach workshop
Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic
(22-28 August 2021)
Organized with Tasho Kaletha, Stephen Kudla and Sophie Morel.
- My book with Lannes
Automorphic Forms and Even Unimodular Lattices
is now available for sale and translated in english! (02/2019).
- Mini-Course in Orsay ``
On the refined Arthur-Langlands conjectures
'', by Tasho Kaletha (06/2017).
Géométrie arithmétique, théorie des représentations et applications
(CIRM, Luminy 22-26 June 2015)
Organized with A. Abbes, C. Breuil and T. Saito.
Links :
- The website
number theory web
- Le séminaire